LIFE endeavors to provide relevant financial education to help individuals improve their financial lives as well as lead them to becoming positive contributors to the American economy. Financial literacy enhances an individual’s financial knowledge, skills, and capacity to use resources and tools so they can get, manage, and use their financial assets to achieve their goals.
LIFE actively seeks to host or co-sponsor events primarily in the Metropolitan Washington D.C., Maryland, & Virginia (DMV) area that promote the mission and goals of the organization.
Seminar Audiences
LIFE conduct seminars for organizations such as:
Community Groups
Sororities and Fraternities
Youth Groups
Women’s and Men’s Groups
Business Associations
Investment Clubs
Teaming Partners
Periodically, LIFE partners with community-based organizations to conduct financial literacy programs. Partners for previous seminars have included the:
America Saves Coalition
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
Prince Georges County Delta Alumnae Foundation
Kappa Epsilon Lambda Educational Foundation (KELEF)
Fannie Mae Foundation
Washington Informer Newspaper
Prince George’s Community College
Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO)
Reid Temple AME Church, Glendale, MD
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
Prince Georges County Housing Department
Prince Georges Coalition for Homeownership Preservation
Adult Programs
Seminar topics have included:
Credit Reporting and Credit Scoring
Home Buying & Real Estate Investing
Credit and Debt Management
Financial Planning
Retirement Planning
Estate Planning
Click here to learn more about Homeownership.
Youth Programs
LIFE develops and implements workshops, seminars, and financial curriculum for Youth.
Our Youth Savings & Investment Club (conducted each Spring and Fall) is our flagship youth program (click here for more information about the LIFE YSIC).
Youth seminars and workshops are conducted throughout the year, according to community-based requests and the availability of LIFE seminar instructors.
Major Topics for Youth Programs include: >
Value Setting
Credit and Debt Management
Wealth Creation
Career Planning
Leadership Development